
Check Motorcycle Tires Before “Mudik!


JAKARTA: Tires are one of the important parts that support driving comfort and have a considerable influence on the safety of motorbike riders. Functioning as a barrier to the load of vehicles and riders, tires are also a component of vehicles that come in direct contact with the road surface. So it is clear that good tires and in prime condition can provide maximum driving performance.

Approaching the flow of Eid Mudik, it is undeniable that motorbikes are one of the alternative vehicles used for going back to hometown. Therefore, don't forget to check the condition of your motorcycle tires.

The following tips and tricks for checking motorcycle tires:

  1. Check wind pressure

Some riders like a slightly reduced wind pressure because they will get more grip when used. However, this is not recommended because in the long term, this can cause a lump in the tire due to the excessive burden that the tire must hold. In addition, excessive wind pressure is also not good for tires, because the tires will become hard so that the balance in driving will be disrupted, the effect of the wind is too hard to cause vibrations in the control. Therefore, make sure the tire wind pressure must be in the right size, not to be more or less.

  1. Check the installation direction

The direction of mounting the tire must also be noticed, do not let it go upside down when installing tires. Currently there are many tire brands that implement a system of differences in front and rear tire development, one of which is Aspira Premio which aims to maximize driving performance. The function of the front tire development is more intended for vehicle control, while the rear tire development is used to channel vehicle power.

  1. Check the depth of development

Each tire product is equipped with a usage mark, also known as TWI (Thread Wear Indicator), which is marked with a triangle on the tire wall. In the triangle there is a rubber bulge that shows the tire usage limit, if it has touched the bulge it is better to do the replacement because it has worn out and the tire grip has reduced so that it is dangerous if it continues to be used.



If the development of a motorcycle tire is worn out and you want to change your favorite motorcycle tire, don't worry Aspira Premio as one of the best motorcycle tires that maximizes the comfort and performance of your vehicle, enlivening the 2019 Jakarta Fair also provides discounts of up to 60%. The condition is enough to come to the Astra Otoparts booth in Hall B2 No, 20 Kemayoran and play the games to get a discounted price.