
Our commitment to building a sustainable business is based on an equal portion of Portfolio, People, and Public Contribution

Astra Otoparts Sustainability Aspirations

We are committed to achieving sustainable business growth by integrating elements of sustainability into the Triple-P Roadmap strategy contained in the 7 Sustainability Aspirations of Astra Otoparts.


We are transitioning to a more sustainable and resilient company to have a positive impact on the earth and its climate, our business, and society.
- Reduce Green House Gas Emissions
- Energy Management
- Water & Wastewater Management
- Solid Waste Management
- Business Model Resilience


We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive work environment, by retaining Indonesia's best talents to prosper with the nation.
- Occupational Health & Safety

Public Contribution

We empower and support communities for a better future.
- Community Development


Committed to Preserving the Environment, Astra Otoparts Group Has Planted 49,800 Mangrove Trees in Karawang

JAKARTA: In commemoration of World Environment Day, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk ("Astra Otoparts") Group again planted mangrove trees in Muarabaru Village, Cilamaya Wetan District, Karawang Regency, West Java on Wednesday (26/06). Mangrove planting is a form of Astra Otoparts' commitment to protecting the environment and reducing carbon emissions.

Since 2021 until now, a total of 49,800 mangrove trees have been planted to help preserve the environment. Especially in this activity, 14,300 trees were planted by Astra Otoparts Group. Previously, in March 2024, Astra Otoparts had planted 2,530 trees and this year plans to plant 20,000 mangrove trees.

Muarabaru Village has been a target area for Astra Otoparts Mangrove conservation since 2021, the AOP Group CSR team sees that the conditions in Muarabaru Village have the potential to experience abrasion and minimal greening environmental conditions.

In addition to preserving the environment in the planting phase, Astra Otoparts certainly takes care of the mangrove trees that have been planted. Tree care is carried out through a monitoring process by Astra Otoparts Group every two months. Mangrove managers are committed that if there are mangrove plants that do not grow properly, they will be replaced with new plants. 

SHE&CSR Manager of Astra Otoparts, Mr. Agung Tri Prabowo said, "We will continue to plant until 2030, if the land is still available, we will continue to plant. And for sure, we have worked with local residents to maintain and care for the mangroves that have been planted until they grow and live," he concluded.

It is hoped that mangrove planting that is consistently carried out is more than controlling abrasion and absorbing carbon. Rather, it is sustainable and able to have an impact on ecotourism, regional tourism, and support the community's economy.




Apart from carrying out environmentally sound operations, Astra Otoparts also involves the community to preserve the environment through various initiatives such as tree planting, PROKLIM villages (Climate Village Program), and plant cultivation. Regarding tree planting and PROKLIM villages, the Company involves several stakeholder groups to jointly increase awareness regarding environmental sustainability and climate change.

1. Plant Mangroves in Muarabaru Village
The number of mangrove trees planted is 20,000 trees. The location of this mangrove planting program activity was carried out in the coastal area of Karawang, Muarabaru Village, Cilamaya Wetan, Karawang Regency on June 7 2023. This planting was carried out together with all Astra Otoparts Group Companies. Astra Otoparts collaborates with local communities or residents known as Heroes. Where these Heroes are then tasked with guarding and caring for every mangrove tree planted by the Astra Otoparts Group.

This activity is a form of effort to green areas in coastal areas and reduce emissions. Community welfare is also formed through collaboration with various parties for its development. By creating a Sustainable Mangrove Area to preserve the environment, it can also be used as an educational facility that can make mangrove conservation there more alive.

2. Greening at PROKLIM Jakarta
Trembesi tree planting program totaling 260 trees. The location of this Trembesi planting program activity was carried out on the edge of the road in the area of RW 02, Peganggasaan Dua sub-district, Kelapa Gading sub-district, on February 28 2023. This planting was carried out together with all Astra Otoparts Group Regional Jakarta Companies. Astra Otoparts collaborates with sub-districts, together with the Environment Agency and local residents who are continuing PROKLIM activities at the provincial level.

This activity is a form of effort to green the area in the region, and supports one of the adaptation and mitigation actions in the assessment at the Provincial PROKLIM level.

3. Plant Trees in Karawang Regency National Tree Planting Month
100 trees will be planted on December 15 2023. The types of trees planted include:

  • Banyan
  • Picung
  • Rosewood
  • Sugar palm
  • Jengkol
  • Petai
  • Meranti
  • Nutmeg

The aim of the planting is to restore land after landslides and illegal logging at the Karawang Regency level.

Sustainability Report 2023

Growth thru Digitalization & Excellence

Reach the New Height



1. Environmentally Friendly Materials

Astra Otoparts continues to innovate not only in terms of product reliability, but also in terms of the usage of environmentally friendly materials for its products. Every materials and products of Astra Otoparts always considers the provision and regulations to remain environmentally friendly, for example the usage of biodegradable materials or avoiding the use of materials that contain hazardous metal (Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr6+, PBB, PDBE) and SoC Free Products.

2. Management of Non-Hazardous Solid Waste (Non-B3)

Waste produced from the production and operational process consists of solid waste Non-B3, B3 waste and liquid waste. Example of solid waste Non-B3 are plastic, papers/leaves, used packaging and leftover food. This waste management uses a garbage collection system from the bin provided on each floor, then the garbage is collected at a temporary dumpsite which is located at the west of the building, and then being taken to the landfills with trucks from a licensed third-party. The temporary dumpsite is provided in three different colors, Economical waste (blue), Non-Economical (yellow), and B3 waste (red).

3. Management of B3 Waste

The management of Astra Otoparts’s B3 waste is carried out based on Government Regulation No. 22 year 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Conservation and Preservation. B3 Waste are sent to licensed landfills or in accordance with the technical details of B3 Waste storage. The B3 waste will then be sent to licensed B3 Waste Processor using licensed transporter.

4. Management of Liquid Waste

There are 3 Waste Water Treatment Installation (IPAL) that comes from kitchen, pantry and toilet. To ensure that the surrounding environment remain clean, Astra Otoparts also organizes the cleaning of Betik River at Pegangsaan Dua village, Kelapa Gading subdistrict.

5. Efficiency of Energy and Reducing Emission

Astra Otoparts implements Astra Green Energy (AGen) Management System, and also organized various discussions on best practices to be implemented in every company with similar production process. Astra Otoparts has implemented several policies to reduce energy usage that resulted in the reduction of gas emission whether the direct GRK emission (scope 1) such as Fuel usage, or indirect GRK emission (scope 2) such as electricity usage, which consist of:

- Optimization of compressor usage by reducing leakage as well as reducing any possibility that may cause pressure loss.

- Optimization of gas and electricity usage for heating system to prevent heat leakage to the air.

- Optimization of electricity usage by using timer and inverter.

- Substitution of electricity equipment with energy-saving equipment.

- Astra Otoparts facilitates its managers with Safety, Health, & Environment (SHE) of Astra Otoparts to achieve energy management certification. This activity is conducted in order for Astra Otoparts’s group to be able to perform their energy programs.

- Substitution of diesel fuel and LPG with natural gas and electricity.

6. Usage of Water, Papers, and Other Materials

Starting from awareness on the importance of maintaining the balance of ecosystem and the capability natural resources in supporting all living being on earth, Astra Otoparts decided to participate in the efficiency of energy, water, paper and other materials through Reuse, Reduce, Recycle (3R) approach.

7. Reducing Plastic Usage

Plastic materials can have negative impacts towards the environment and living being since plastics are hard to degrade and can cause infertile soil, smelly groundwater, dangerous when ingested by animals, as well as destroying river and sea ecosystem. Realizing the negative impacts, Astra Otoparts has decided to anticipate the potential of environmental damage by implementing No single use plastic, reducing plastic wrapping and processing plastic waste to fostered garbage bank.

8. Biodiversity

Astra Otoparts’s commitment in conserving and preserving the environment is also realized to our surrounding biodiversity. It should be known that Astra Otoparts’s operational area is not under or close with protected area or wildlife sanctuary with high biodiversity; therefore, it can be said that Astra Otoparts’s operational have no impact to biodiversity. However, Astra Otoparts still participates in encouraging environmental preservation.

One of Astra Otoparts’s effort in encouraging the preservation of environmental ecosystems is through tree planting program.Trees are lungs of the earth that functions to reduce air pollution and absorb emission while producing healthy air quality. In addition, trees can also prevent erosion and support animals who are depended to the ecosystem. In other word, trees are important for the living and the balance of environmental ecosystem.

Sustainability Report 2022

Growing & Sharing towards Sustainability



1. Environmentally Friendly Materials

Astra Otoparts continues to innovate not only in terms of product reliability, but also in terms of the usage of environmentally friendly materials for its products. Every materials and products of Astra Otoparts always considers the provision and regulations to remain environmentally friendly, for example the usage of biodegradable materials or avoiding the use of materials that contain hazardous metal (Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr6+, PBB, PDBE) and SoC Free Products.

2. Management of Non-Hazardous Solid Waste (Non-B3)

Waste produced from the production and operational process consists of solid waste Non-B3, B3 waste and liquid waste. Example of solid waste Non-B3 are plastic, papers/leaves, used packaging and leftover food. This waste management uses a garbage collection system from the bin provided on each floor, then the garbage is collected at a temporary dumpsite which is located at the west of the building, and then being taken to the landfills with trucks from a licensed third-party. The temporary dumpsite is provided in three different colors, Economical waste (blue), Non-Economical (yellow), and B3 waste (red).

3. Management of B3 Waste

The management of Astra Otoparts’s B3 waste is carried out based on Government Regulation No. 22 year 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Conservation and Preservation. B3 Waste are sent to licensed landfills or in accordance with the technical details of B3 Waste storage. The B3 waste will then be sent to licensed B3 Waste Processor using licensed transporter.

4. Management of Liquid Waste

There are 3 Waste Water Treatment Installation (IPAL) that comes from kitchen, pantry and toilet. To ensure that the surrounding environment remain clean, Astra Otoparts also organizes the cleaning of Betik River at Pegangsaan Dua village, Kelapa Gading subdistrict.

5. Efficiency of Energy and Reducing Emission

Astra Otoparts implements Astra Green Energy (AGen) Management System, and also organized various discussions on best practices to be implemented in every company with similar production process. Astra Otoparts has implemented several policies to reduce energy usage that resulted in the reduction of gas emission whether the direct GRK emission (scope 1) such as Fuel usage, or indirect GRK emission (scope 2) such as electricity usage, which consist of:

- Optimization of compressor usage by reducing leakage as well as reducing any possibility that may cause pressure loss.

- Optimization of gas and electricity usage for heating system to prevent heat leakage to the air.

- Optimization of electricity usage by using timer and inverter.

- Substitution of electricity equipment with energy-saving equipment.

- Astra Otoparts facilitates its managers with Safety, Health, & Environment (SHE) of Astra Otoparts to achieve energy management certification. This activity is conducted in order for Astra Otoparts’s group to be able to perform their energy programs.

- Substitution of diesel fuel and LPG with natural gas and electricity.

6. Usage of Water, Papers, and Other Materials

Starting from awareness on the importance of maintaining the balance of ecosystem and the capability natural resources in supporting all living being on earth, Astra Otoparts decided to participate in the efficiency of energy, water, paper and other materials through Reuse, Reduce, Recycle (3R) approach.

7. Reducing Plastic Usage

Plastic materials can have negative impacts towards the environment and living being since plastics are hard to degrade and can cause infertile soil, smelly groundwater, dangerous when ingested by animals, as well as destroying river and sea ecosystem. Realizing the negative impacts, Astra Otoparts has decided to anticipate the potential of environmental damage by implementing No single use plastic, reducing plastic wrapping and processing plastic waste to fostered garbage bank.

8. Biodiversity

Astra Otoparts’s commitment in conserving and preserving the environment is also realized to our surrounding biodiversity. It should be known that Astra Otoparts’s operational area is not under or close with protected area or wildlife sanctuary with high biodiversity; therefore, it can be said that Astra Otoparts’s operational have no impact to biodiversity. However, Astra Otoparts still participates in encouraging environmental preservation.

One of Astra Otoparts’s effort in encouraging the preservation of environmental ecosystems is through tree planting program.Trees are lungs of the earth that functions to reduce air pollution and absorb emission while producing healthy air quality. In addition, trees can also prevent erosion and support animals who are depended to the ecosystem. In other word, trees are important for the living and the balance of environmental ecosystem.

On June 2021, Astra Otoparts has planted 1,300 trees at Gunung Gede Parango National Garden. In addition, the Company has also planted 3,000 mangrove trees at Cilamaya Wetan, Muara Baru Village, Karawang and 2,267 trees in Astra Otoparts’s KBA and pranakarsa.

Employment, Occupational Health and Safety

As a form of Astra Otoparts’s responsibility towards occupational health and safety, Astra Otoparts implements and develops occupational health and safety management system (SMK3) by referring to the Government Regulation No. 50 year 2012 concerning Occupational Health and Safety Management System and also ISO 45001: 2018. Not only applicable to employees, the implementation of OHS guidelines also apply to business partners (contractor) and other guests who visit Astra Otoparts.

Implementation of a proper SMK3 is expected to reduce victims in accidents, down time and operational costs. Therefore, we strive to improve awareness and compliance towards OHS procedures through socialization and training related to safety requirements and practices to all employees and business partners while also providing protective equipment to prevent risks.

Amidst the pandemic, Astra Otoparts has implemented strict procedures in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 by issuing the following policies:

  1. Requiring all employees and guests who visit the office to wear masks.
  2. Establishing a Work Team to Prevent the Spread and Handling of Covid-19.
  3. Provision of Hand Sanitizer at all doors.
  4. Using of personal Tumblers.
  5. Checking Body temperature for guests and employees before entering the office (done at the front lobby, next to the cashier, at the SSC counter).
  6. Provision of trash bins for used masks.
  7. The arrangement of working hours and lunch is divided into 2 shifts with the seats not facing each other.
  8. Employees’ Work desk arrangement.
  9. Setting the distance of passengers in the operational car.
  10. Appealing at the mosque to use personal prayer equipment and distance.
  11. Spraying disinfectants in the workspace regularly.
  12. Using the timesheet online through the “Greatday” Application.
  13. Applying face detection and touchless buttons in every access of the workspace.
  14. Spacing in the elevator.
  15. Provision of hand washing stations at each entrance.

As for other activities related to OHS throughout 2021 are as follows:

1. Energy Management Forum, Astra Otoparts Group, 2021 with the PIC of SHE & Energy, and the following agenda:

  1. Review Astra Energy Policy.
  2. Review Astra Green Energy (AGEn) Management System.
  3. Sharing Best practice Management Energy Program.

2. Covid-19 preparedness

3. "Training for Trainer" Safety Riding

Social Community

As a corporate citizen that lives among the community, Astra Otoparts wants to build a harmonious and positive relation in order to provide real contribution for mutual welfare. Astra Otoparts has identified the appropriate role based on its capacity to contribute towards community development and empowerment. The Implementation of shared values is manifested in CSR programs and activities for the community which Astra Otoparts focuses on:

1. Education

Education is the basic of character development and establishment of quality human resources which are also the basic rights for all human beings that needs to be fulfilled. Starting from awareness on Educational aspect, Astra Otoparts strives to support education quality development through a series of CSR activities such as fostered school, Adiwiyata School, teacher capacity development, vocational program, Early Childhood Education (PAUD) and Astra Otoparts smart home.

2. Health

Astra Otoparts also considers health as an important factor in creating a strong and prosperous society. Without a proper health condition, it will be difficult to develop the community to achieve prosperity. The CSR activity in this field focuses on Environmental Sanitation, Posyandu empowerment, Kampung Berseri Astra as well as Covid-19 handling.

3. Social Assistance and Donations

Amidst the ongoing pandemic, Astra Otoparts has donated groceries to unfortunate families and to those who are under self isolation. Astra Otoparts has conducted a survey and identified the target recipient. This donation is expected to reduce their difficulties due to the pandemic. The following are the details of activities carried out throughout 2021, including the provision of basic food packages as follows:

  1. 50 grocery packages to KBA Karang Raharja, Bekasi.
  2. 50 grocery packages to KBA Duta Mekar Asri, Bogor.
  3. Provision of 1,000 grocery packages consisting of rice, vegetable oil, sugar for pre-prosperous community at Pegangsaan Dua village, North Jakarta.
  4. Provision of 60 grocery packages consisting of rice, instant noodles, vegetable oil, sugar for RPTRA at Pegangsaan Dua village.

In addition to grocery packages to assist the community during the pandemic, Astra Otoparts has also provided the following donations:

a. Donations

  • Religious Event Donation
  • Event Donation
  • Public Facility Donation
  • Donation to Religious Institution
  • Infrastructure Donation

b. Donation to Natural Disaster’s Victims

  • Donation to Natural Disaster Via PMI
  • Donation to Other Natural Disasters
  • Donation to Earthquake and Flood Victims
  • Donation to Natural Disaster in NTT
  • Donation to Flash Flood Disaster in Garut
  • Donation to Natural Disaster of Mount Semeru Erruption
  • Donation to Flood Victims
  • Donation to Employees Impactacted by the Flood
  • National Donation to Earthquake in Mamuju, West Sulawesi
  • Donation to Flood Victims in Pamanukan Subang
  • Joint Donation with TMClub for the NTT Disaster and South Cikarang Flood

As a commitment in instilling sense of love towards cultural wealth and in order to preserve it, Astra Otoparts has sponsored Pencak Silat festival which was held at Pegangsaan Dua Village, North Jakarta. In addition, as corporate citizens among the society, Astra Otoparts expects to establish harmonious and mutually supportive relationship with the surrounding community. Understanding this, Astra Otoparts provides communication channel to the community to deliver their suggestions, complaints or reports related to Astra Otoparts’s operational activities that may disturb the safety, comfort and hygiene of the surrounding community.

Therefore, Astra Otoparts has allowed the community to deliver their complaint or report through:

Phone : (62-21) 460-3550, 460-7025

Email :

Address : Jl. Raya Pegangsaan Dua Km 2,2 Kelapa Gading-Jakarta 14250

Responsibilities to Customers

To maintain the customers’ satisfaction, Astra Otoparts has implemented the following approaches:
- Providing education, access to a comprehensive, accurate and transparent information on the product we sell so that they can consider all aspects/risks on of the products offered.
- Considering safety and health factor as well as providing quality insurance on products.
- Providing customer service, complaint and problem handling service.
- Protecting the confidentiality of customers’ data/privacy.

Astra Otoparts understands that customers have the rights and requires sufficient product information whether positive or negative before they use the product. The information consists of safety usage procedures, as well as components and product disposal. Astra Otoparts also would like to ensure that all customers have sufficient access to obtain information through various channels, such as:
- Company Website:
- Facebook and Instagram:
@federal_Parts, @AspiraAstra, @aspiraexposio, @Aspirapremio, @gsastraid, @incoeastraid, @astraotoshop, @kybastraid, @shopanddrive, @shopandbike,, and @astraotoservice.
- Youtube: Aspira Astra, GS Astra, and Astraotoshop.

Astra Otoparts also appeals to all customers to be careful with counterfeit products that potentially cause losses. Several actions taken by Astra Otoparts to prevent this risk:
a. GS Astra Smart, is an identity of our official outlet network that sells the original GS Astra products. GS Astra Smart Logo will be installed at GS Astra retailer.
b. Astra that fulfills certain requirements by only selling the original GS Astra products.
c. Educating the society regarding product knowledge related to the superiority and originality of product through Astra Otoparts’s website and social media network.

Consumers can also access which was established to reach end user consumer in purchasing the original Astra spare parts including flexible spare part installation at 365 Shop&Drive outlets and 157 Motoquick outlets. In addition, consumers can also obtain regular maintenance for 3-wheeled vehicle at Astra Otoservice outlet.

As of the end of 2021, there was no complaint or sancation due to error or incompability of product information
stated in the label.

Sustainability Report 2021

Sustaining Growth With Digitalization



In 2020 the Company implement CSR in the environmental sector through the following activities:

1. Adiwiyata School (Environmentally friendly school)

  • SD IT Al-Azhar 27 Cibinong (Independent towards Asean Eco School)
  • SMPN 1 Cileungsi (National)
  • SDN 02 Sukaresmi, South Cikarang (Regency)
  • SMPN 193 Jakarta (National)
  • SDN Semper Timur 07 Pagi (Regency)
  • SMPN 03 Cibarusa, Bekasi (Regency)
  • SMAN 1 Central of Cikarang (National)
  • SMAN 1 South Cikarang (Province)
  • SMK Texmaco (Province)

2. Reforesting

a. Planting 2000 trees in Trisik Beach, Yogyakarta and 600 trees in Parung Mulya Village, Ciampel, Karawang.

b. Calculation of mangrove CO2 In White Sand.

3. Environment sanitation

The cleaning of Kali Betik, sub-district: Pegangsaan Dua, sub-district: Kelapa Gading.

4. Kampung Berseri Astra (KBA)

a. During the pandemic, Karang Raharja KBA still conducted its social activities in an attempt to win in the Semarak KBA 2020 competition in the categories of:

  • 1st place = Independence Painting
  • 1st place = Featured Product Photo Contest.

b. For the success of KBA Karang Raharja in the SEMARAK KBA 2020 competition, they took an initiative to motivate KBAs from other regions by sharing online like what the KBA Karangharja success tips were and what activities were carried out so that they could be From Zero to Hero.

Employment, Occupational Health and Safety

In 2020, Management has implemented various K3 programs aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of K3 practices, namely:

1. SHE Committee

In order to initiate an organizational structure that is responsible for planning and conducting programs with the Environment, Safety and Health at Work (LK3) as well as forming a team that will find solutions to LK3 problems in the Astra Otoparts group, Astra Otoparts – Head Office organizes a SHE Committee Kick Off meeting together with the SHE committee team, namely PIC SHE Astra Otoparts group. The SHE committee team comprises of 3 fields, namely the Event & Forum Division, the Learning Sector and the Patrol & Inspection Sector.

2. Training Contractor Safety Management System

In order to implement the Astra Corporate Affairs Policy 2020, namely the Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) Application. Astra Otoparts - Head Office held CSMS Training for PIC Safety, PIC Building Maintenance for Astra Otoparts group. This program is carried out with an aim of realizing zero workplace accidents at work sites, especially for work involving partners or external parties.

3. Health Seminar

In collaboration with Astra Life, the Company held an online health seminar with a theme of "Healthy Lifestyle to Avoid Obesity", as a resource person was dr. Yohan Samudra, SpGK (clinical nutrition specialist at Primaya Hospital, Tangerang).

4. Covid-19 Preparedness

The Company supported the prevention, control and handling of Covid-19 by implementing the Covid-19 health protocol, such as:

  1. Require all employees and guests who visit the office to wear masks.
  2. Formation of a Work Team to Prevent the Spread and Handling of Covid-19.
  3. Provision of Hand Sanitizer at all doors.
  4. Use of a personal Tumbler.
  5. Check Body temperature for guests and employees before entering the office (done at the front lobby, next to the cashier, at the SSC counter).
  6. Provision of trash bins for used masks.
  7. The arrangement of working hours and lunch is divided into 2 shifts with the seats not facing each other.
  8. Employees’ Work desk arrangement.
  9. Setting the distance of passengers in the car pool.
  10. Appeals at the mosque to use personal prayer equipment and distance.
  11. Spraying disinfectants in the workspace regularly.
  12. Using the timesheet online through the “Greatday” Application.
  13. Access in and out of the workspace with face detection and touchless buttons.
  14. Spacing in the elevator.
  15. Provision of hand washing stations at each entrance.

Social Community

In 2020, the Company has implemented a series of social and community development programs as follows:

1. Education


- SMK Negeri 12 Tangerang conducts a company visit to the Company which was attended by 260 students.

- Teaching Factory Launching at SMK Triple J Citeureup.

- As a speaker in the Kemendikbud webinar series With a title: Utilization of Vocational School’s Practical Equipment for Teaching Factory with Agung Alfarisi Mulia Ibrahim (PT Kreasi Mandiri Wintor Indonesia).

- As a speaker in the Kemendikbud webinar series entitled: Implementation of Virtual Reality Simulator for Vocational Education. Virtual reality (VR) or virtual reality is a technology allowing users to interact with a computer-simulated environment with Faris Aditya Putra (PT Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia).

- Giving Appreciation for SMKs obtaining 3 stars in the 2020 BISA Vocational High School assessment, meanwhile for the AOP Group's Vocational Schools that have received 3 stars, including:

i. SMK PGRI 20 Jakarta;

ii. SMKN 2 Bogor;

iii. SMK Texar Karawang.


2. Income Generating Activities (IGA)

a. Fostered MSME (Providing Revolving Assistance)

Giving rolling assistance stage XIII to 41 MSME in Pegangsaan Dua Sub-District, Kelapa Gading to the type of business such as Food, Beverage, Grocery Stalls, Clothes, Bridal Makeup, Warteg, Upholstery Maker, and Vegetable. The ceremonial giving of rolling assistance was carried out by Pegangsaan Dua Village and the Company's Management.

b. MSME Training

MSME Training in Karawang Region with the theme: Disassemble, Understand, Follow the Character of Successful People.


3. Health

a. During the pandemic, Karang Raharja KBA still conducted its social activities in an attempt to win in the Semarak KBA 2020 competition in the categories of:

- 1st place = Independence Painting

- 1st place = Featured Product Photo Contest.

b. For the success of KBA Karang Raharja in the SEMARAK KBA 2020 competition, they took an initiative to motivate KBA from other regions by sharing online like what the KBA Karangharja success tips were and what activities were carried out so that they could be From Zero to Hero.

c. Providing tents for sub-district health center of Kelapa Gading.

d. Assistance for posyandu sub-district Pegangsaan Dua, in the form of:

- Additional Food

- Blood Sugar Test Kit

- Cholesterol Test Tool

- Uric Acid Test Kit

- Operational posyandu cadres

e. One application that is being intensified is for posyandu assisted, namely i-posyandu. There are 10 Posyandu assisted by AOP Groups that have started using the i-posyandu application, among them:

- Ceria 01A

- Ceria 01B

- Eh Indah 03B

- Eh Indah 03C

- Eh Indah 03D

- Melati 04B

- Kulintang

- Bellyra

- Lestari

- KBA Karang Raharja

f. Donation

- Donate food packages for the Covid-19 pandemic

- Giving holiday allowances

- Offering sacrificial animals

- Road repairs to RW 12

- Construction of a mosque (Sidoarjo)

- Help with disinfecting cars

Responsibilities to Customers

1. Customer Education Program

The Company conducts several educational programs to make it easier for the public to obtain information related to products offered by the Company. In addition, the educational programs also aim to resolve/prevent potential losses that customers may experience due to counterfeit products. Several of the customer education programs performed by the Company are as follows:

a. GS Astra Smart, is the identity of the official GS Astra outlet network that sells genuine GS Astra products. The GS Astra logo is presented to GS Astra retailers who meet certain requirements by only selling genuine GS Astra products.

b. Educating public about product knowledge related to product excellence and authenticity through the Company’s website and social media networks, including:

  • Facebook dan Instagram:












  • Youtube: Aspira Astra, GS Astra, dan Astraotoshop

c. Educating public to always pay attention to the information on the product packaging. On every product package, the Company includes the name and address of the Company, the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) label, as well as warning labels such as “do not drink,” “avoid contact with the eyes,” or “keep out of reach of children.”

d. Providing various training about products and services to the sales office team and main dealer.

2. Customer Complaints Management

As one of the Astra Otoparts’ modern retail networks, Shop&Drive is committed to giving free battery replacement with applied terms and conditions if there is a factory defect. Shop&Drive has already had good customercomplaint handling system where customers can submit their complaints through Call Shop&Drive 15-000-15 and email to, mobile app, and social media. Throughout 2020, the Company received 516 customer complaints, of which 516 have been processed and followed up.

Sustainability Report 2020

Sustaining Growth With Digitalization



  1. Trees Planting
  • Planting 1,100 trees in Kampung Budaya, Karawang
  • Planting 1,000 trees on the the river banks of Citarum Perumahan Karaba, Karawang
  • Planting 125 trees in KBA Duta Mekar Asri
  • Planting 5,000 mangrove trees on Pantai Pasir Putih, Cilamaya, Karawang
  • Planting 1,000 trees in KBA Karangraharja, North Cikarang, Bekasi
  • Planting 1,000 trees in Cijedil Village, Puncak
  • Planting 3,110 trees in the company’s area in Jakarta, Bekasi, Bogor and Karawang
  1. Turtles Conservation

The Company resumed its turtle conservation activities in an area different from the previous year, namely in Trisik Beach, Yogyakarta. Various types of assistance which have been provided include the installation of aquarium along with aerators and filters as well as an education room equipped with desks, bookshelves, projectors, LCDs and books.

Employment, Occupational Health and Safety

In 2019, management has implemented various OHS programs aimed at increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of OHS practices, namely:

  1. Conducting safety riding activities for salesmen
  2. Conducting fire fighting drills for team leads in Shop & Drive

Social Community

In 2019, the Company conducted a series of programs aimed at providing positive benefits for the welfare of society, namely:

  1. Education
  2. Adiwiyata School
    • 9 schools including 1 independent level, 3 national levels, 2 provincial levels, 3 regency levels, which is:
      1. SD IT Al-Azhar 27 Cibinong (Independent to Asean Eco School)
      2. SMPN 1 Cileungsi (National)
      3. SDN 02 Sukaresmi South Cikarang (Regency)
      4. SMPN 193 Jakarta (National)
      5. SDN East Semper 07 Pagi (Regency)
      6. SMPN 03 Cibarusa, Bekasi (Regency)
      7. SMAN 1 Central Cikarang (National)
      8. SMAN 1 South Cikarang (Province)
      9. SMK Texmaco (Province)
    • Delivery of Adiwiyata Asean Eco School SDIT Al Azhar 27 Bogor
    • Assessment of South Cikarang SMAN 1 towards Adiwiyata Province
    • Bekasi Regional Company provided assistance to SMAN 1 South Cikarang for the purpose of achieving provincial adiwiyata school in the form of infrastructure development, by establishing TPS
    • Self-assessment for SMPN 1 Cileungsi for the purpose of achieving Adiwiyata Mandiri school
  1. Astra Appreciation for Indonesia Cerdas

Astra’s provides appreciation for Indonesia Cerdas in the form an annual competition held by PT Astra International Tbk for PAUD, elementary, junior high school, high school, vocational school & Rumah Pintar fostered by Astra Group which intends to display bright ideas in education. On this occasion, Bekasi regional company sent its fostered teachers from Central Cikarang SMAN 1 to take part in this appreciation program, whereby the contestants selected for the final round were sent out to present their works at Kampung Berseri Astra Festival. The fostered teacher won the 3rd place in the High School Teacher Innovation Competition category.

    • Out of 64 fostered schools invited, (22 SMK Reg. Jakarta, 6 SMK Bogor, 12 SMK Bekasi, 24 SMK Reg. Karawang), there were 55 schools which attended the capacity building, comprising 99 SMK teachers as follows:
  1. 25 SMK teachers from Reg. Bekasi (14 SMK)
  2. 12 SMK teachers from Reg. Bogor (6 SMK)
  3. 25 SMK teachers from Reg. Jakarta (16 SMK)
  4. 37 SMK teachers from Reg. Karawang (21 SMK)

This activity includes:

1) Kick-off of the Company's Vocational School Teachers' internship program

2) Provision of materials related to the SMK BISA program

3) Technical guidance for the fulfillment of criteria for SMK BISA

4) Self-assessment of SMK BISA criteria

The activity was attended by:

  1. Head of Industrial Human Resource Development Agency (BPSDMI),
  2. The Indonesian Ministry of Industry
  3. Representative Director of Vocational Development,
  4. Ministry of Education and Culture
  5. ESR of PT Astra International Tbk
  6. PIC of the Company’s CSR
  7. Representatives of the Company's fostered SMK teachers
  • Assessment of SMK BISA

This serves as a continuation of capacity building activities, in which the SMK will conduct a self-assessment of SMK BISA criteria. The assessment aspects consist of 3 pillars, namely:

  1. School Status
  2. Industrial Culture
  3. Link & Match Development

SMKs that have submitted self-assessment results will be scheduled to be assessed. The assessors consisted of representatives of the Astra Group, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Education and Culture. Vocational Schools that have conducted the assessment include:

  1. SMK PGRI 20 Jakarta (2 Stars)
  2. SMK 2 Bogor (2 Stars)
  3. Bekasi Bina Prestasi Vocational School (2 Stars)
  4. SMK Taruna Karya 2 Karawang (2 Stars)
  5. SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Cileungsi (2 Stars)
  6. SMK Triple J Citeureup (2 Stars)
  7. SMK Texar Karawang (3 Stars)
  8. SMK HS Agung Bekasi (2 Stars)
  9. SMK Rosma Karawang (1 Star)
  1. Teacher Internship Program

The criteria for an internship include a place for in-class training and field practice. Apprenticeship activities being conducted mostly resemble student internships, but for teachers the schedule is only 2-3 days a week (teachers will learn, consult and can be given a project as well). Materials for in-class training consist of SHE and Basic Industry material.

Teacher apprenticeship activities have been conducted at 6 (six) Vocational Schools in DKI & West Java, namely:

  1. SMKN 26 Jakarta
  2. SMK 4 Jakarta
  3. SMKN 36 Jakarta
  4. SMKN 5 Bekasi
  5. SMKN 1 Karawang
  6. SMK 1 Bekasi

Teacher Apprenticeship Program for 1 (one) month attended by AOP Regional Bogor Fostered SMK included the following:

  1. SMKN 2 Bogor
  2. SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Cileungsi
  3. Triple J Citeureup Vocational School
  4. SMK 1 Cibinong
  5. SMKN 1 Cileungsi
  6. SMKN 1 Gunung Sindur
  7. PAUD
    • Repairs of PAUD Dahlia 6 facilities (1 Fence Unit) - Karawang Region
    • Seminar of PAUD Dahlia 6 teachers - Karawang Region
    • Ceremony of assistance provision for PAUD RW 02, Ex. Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Gading, in the form of tables, chairs, APE, fans
  8. Millennial Road Safety Festival

The Company collaborated with SMK Texmaco to conduct the Millennial Road Safety Festival, which was attended by Deputy Kasatlantas from Karawang Regional Police, Karawang Regent dr. Cellica Nurrachadiana, and approx. 1,500 students.

The program conducted under the education pillar serves as Indonesia Ayo Aman Berlalulintas (IAABL) Program, whereby the Company worked with schools to provide understanding to students in using motorized vehicles.


  1. Income Generating Activities
    1. UMKM Training
  • In order to motivate the Company's fostered SMEs to become productive and have independent income from their own efforts, then in 2019, the Company will again hold an SME seminar with introductory materials for business planning and business management and marketing in the digitalization era.
  • CSR Karawang Regional Company held UMKM seminar with the theme "Developing the Spirit of a Creative Entrepreneur" attended by 173 participants.
    1. Fostered UMKM

In addition to providing revolving fund for capital in Kelurahan Pegangsaan Dua, the Company also provides capital development assistance for the Traditional Beksi Silat Foundation. Previous assistance provided was for development of beksi silat culture by inviting the Foundation in the Company’s events.

  1. Health
    1. Assistance for Posyandu
  • Provision of various medical assistance needs and additional food for posyandu toddlers and the elderly.
  • Provision of assistance for equipment facilities and establishment of posyandu facilities.
    1. Blood Donation

Blood donation resulting in 148 blood bags.

  1. Health Seminar
  • In order to implement the AGC Management System, the Company held a health seminar with the theme of "HIV / AIDS and Prevention in the Work Environment", as regular health education program to serve as promotive and preventive action for employee health. The seminar was attended by the Company's employees, health cadres of Avicenna, and the Head of the Bogor District AIDS Commission. Through this seminar, employees are expected to understand how the virus is transmitted and the methodsof how to prevent the HIV virus so as to improve health awareness for them a those around them.
  • CSR Karawang Regional Company held a health seminar with the theme of "Preventing Stunting, Preventing Tuberculosis, Preventing HIV / AIDS - Creating Healthy, Smart, Active and Productive Generation". Health education program is held regularly as a promotive and preventive action for the health of the surrounding community.
    1. Kampung Berseri Astra
  • Kick-off and handover of chopping machine to KBA Reg. Bogor & Adiwiyata School Reg. Bogor

Bogor Regional CSR consisting of Adiwira Plastik Division, Winteq Division, PT Astra Components Indonesia, PT Astra Visteon Indonesia, PT Federal Izumi Manufacturing, PT FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia and PT Toyoda Gosei Safety System Indonesia launched KBA Duta Mekar Asri and Adiwiyata School SMPN 1 Cileungsi. The opening ceremony was attended by Bogor Regency Environmental Agency, HCGS Division Head, as well as management representatives and CSRmanagers of Bogor Regional Company. CSR Bogor Regional provided 125 rare plant trees and biopori tools, completed TPQ education facilities to become PAUD and posyandu facilities to achieve independent level and counseling concerning healthy and clean living at KBA Duta Mekar Asri. CSR Bogor Regional also fostered SMPN 1 Cileungsi to achieve adiwiyata independent school.

  • Launching of Bekasi Regional KBA

Attended by CSR Bekasi Regional consisting of PT Aisin Indonesia, PT Astra Daido Steel Indonesia, PT Denso Indonesia, PT Federal Nittan Industries, PT Kayaba Indonesia, PT Menara Terus Makmur, PT Nusa Keihin Indonesia, PT TD Automotive Compressor Indonesia, the Company launched KBA Karang Raharja.

Education Pillar: children education implementation, reading and illiteracy test

Health Pillar: posyandu, healthy gymnastics, training with puskesmas, PHB, and future plan of elderly posyandu.

Entrepreneurship Pillar: macrami handicraft and waste recycling

Environmental Pillar: waste bank

The opening ceremony was attended by the Village Head, BPD Chairperson, Babinsa, Bimaspol Chairperson of RW, Pelita Bangsa University, SMK Hijau Muda, North Cikarang SMAN 3 as well as management representatives and PIC of the Bekasi Regional CSR.


In addition, the Company also conducts a number of other programs, namely:

  1. Provision of nine-basic necessities for 1,050 underprivileged families who live in Pegangsaan Dua Village, Kelapa Gading on 20th May 2019.
  2. Provision of Holiday Allowances on 20th May 2019 and Animal Donation for 13 goats on 9th August 2019 for the following regions:
  3. Jakarta (Pegangsaan Dua Village, Kelapa Gading District, Polsek, Koramil)
  4. Cibitung (Ganda Mekar Sub-District)
  5. Cikarang (Sukamahi Sub-District)
  6. Karawang (Parungmulya Sub-District)
  7. Semarang (Jatibarang Village)
  8. Surabaya (Karang bong Sub-District, Sidoarjo District Police)
  9. Donation for green and clean alley competition activities among RTs in RW 04, Klender on 24th March 2019
  10. Donation for the Dental and Oral Education and Medicine from the Faculty of Dentistry, Trisakti University, Jakarta

Responsibilities to Customers

  1. Customer Educational Program

To facilitate public in obtaining information related to products manufactured by the Company and to manage/prevent losses that may be experienced by customers due to utilizing counterfeit products, the Company implements several educational programs, including:

a. GS ASTRA Smart is the identity of the official GS ASTRA outlet network that sells genuine GS ASTRA products. The GS ASTRA Smart logo will be embedded in GS ASTRA retailers who meet certain requirements by only selling genuine GS ASTRA products.

b. Public education concerning product knowledge both related to product excellence and authenticity through the Company’s social media network, namely:

  • Website:
  • Facebook: Aspira AstraID
  • Twitter: @aspiraastra
  • Instagram: @Aki_GS_Astra, @gsastraid, @shopanddrive

c. Public education to read the information attached on the product packaging. In each product packaging, the Company includes the Company’s name and address, the label of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), as well as dangerous warnings such as “do not drink”, “keep away from eyes” or “keep out of children’s reach”.

d. Training related to products and services to the sales office team and key dealers.


  1. Customer Complaints Management

As one of Astra Otoparts’ largest modern retail chains, Shop&Drive maintains a customer complaint management system. Shop&Drive is also committed to providing free original battery replacement guarantee with applicable terms and conditions should there be any manufacturer defects. Customers can access the complete Shop&Drive program and outlet network locations on the website, the mobile app or call center at 15-000-15. Complaints can be submitted via Call Shop&Drive 15-000-15 and via email to, mobile app, and also social media. The development of this service represents the Company’s commitment to provide the best service.

Sustainability Report 2019

Engage and Synergize Gearing Up Sustainability



  1. Open Green Space
  • Creation of an 10 hectares arboretum and tree planting that includes the neka-neka, sea pandan (pandan laut), ketapang, sea pine (cemara laut), coconut, palm sugar, mahogany and various types of fruit trees in Sedari Beach, Karawang. This program seeks to expand green open spaces and mangroves in the Sedari district while simultaneously reducing the impact and abrasive flo as well to tackle tidal floods at Sedari Beach. The arboretum, or commonly known as a botanical garden, was inaugurated by the Regent of Karawang (dr. Cellica Nurrachadiana) and the Company’s Board of Directors.
  • The Company cooperates with Toyota Manufacturer Club to make 4 hectares green open space in Kaliwlingi, Brebes, Jawa Tengah.
  1. Treeplanting
  • Planting & Treatment of 400 trees in Central Cikarang, Bekasi.
  • Planting of 2,800 trees in Sedari Beach, Karawang.
  • Planting of 41,200 trees in Dewi Mangrove Sari, Kaliwlingi, Brebes, Central Java.
  1. Flood Preventtion Program
  • The Company facilitated surrounding community, namely RW 12 Kelapa Gading towards a program to clean the Betik river within the context of flood prevention.

Employment, Occupational Health and Safety

In 2018, the Management various MOHS programs that seek to enhance the implemented effectiveness and efficiency of implementing MOHS practices, as follows:

  1. Conducting training and certification of Energy Managers from 16th - 19th April, 2018.
  2. Conducting a SHE Communication Forum on 16th May, 2018.
  3. Conducting a TKKD Simulation on 2nd October, 2018
  4. Conducting Wellness Program from April – June 2018.

Social Community

  1. Education
    1. Industrial Vocation Education Program within the framework of developing industry links and matches between Vocational High Schools and Industry. The Industry Vocation Program is based on Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2016 regarding Vocational High School revitalization as well the Minister of Industry’s Regulation No. 3/M-IND/PER/1/2017 regarding the development of Vocational High Schools that are linked and matched with industry. With target 5 Sponsored Vocational High Schools and achievement 19 Sponsored Vocational High Schools, activity details as follows:
      • Launch of program with the Minister of Industry on Monday, 5th March, 2018 in PT Krakatau Steel, Cilegon, Banten.
      • Submission of supporting equipment (soldering equipment) within the context of industrial vocations for 19 Sponsored Vocational High Schools on Monday, 9th April, 2018 in PT Astra Otoparts Tbk.
    2. Adiwiyata School (Environmental School) with target 2 Schools (Minimum at provincial level) and achievement 7 schools, namely; 1 Independent level, 2 National level, 1 Provincial level, 3 District level. Details of activities that have been carried out are as follows:
      • Participation in the Adiwiyata Progam Jamboree on 27th – 28th April 2018 in the Botanical Garden, LIPI Cibinong that forms part of Astra’s CSR Program within the context of commemorating Earth Day. The Astra Otoparts Group sent 6 Adiwiyata schools, as follows:
        1. Al-Azhar 27 IT Elementary School (SD IT), Cibinong
        2. State Elementary School (SDN) 02 Sukaresmi South Cikarang
        3. State Middle School (SMPN) 193 Jakarta
        4. State Middle School (SMPN) 03 Cibarusa, Bekasi
        5. State High School (SMAN) 1 Central Cikarang
        6. Texmaco Vocational High School
      • Received an award as an Environmental School at the West Java Provincial level for Texmaco Vocational High School on 18th July, 2018 At the Gedung Sate, Bandung.
    3. Educational Seminar for Sponsored Early Years Childhood Education (PAUD) teachers under the theme of, “PAUD Institutional Digitalization and Family Involvement in the Education of Children” on Monday, 10th December, 2018 at PT Astra International Tbk.
  1. Income Generating Activities (IGA)
    1. Sponsored MSME Training with target 300 participants and achievement 330 participants, activity details as follows:
      • AC Technician training was carried out in Bogor regional AOP with 30 participants on 30th July – 10th August, 2018 at PT Astra Komponen Indonesia.MSME training was conducted in the Karawang regional AOP attended by 300 from the areas of Bintang Alam, Telukjambe and vicinity under the theme of, “Growing public entrepreneurship in order to become more creative, innovative and independent“ on 28th October, 2018 at Kampung Berseri Astra Bintang Alam, Karawang.
    2. Providing the 10th stage of Rolling Assistance extended to 41 MSME in Pegangsaan Dua District, Kelapa Gading with food, drinks, food stalls, clothes, bridal services, seat maker as well as fruit and vegetables as the lines of businesses. The ceremonial handover of the Rolling Assistance was carried out by the Pegangsaan Dua District and the Company’s Management on 23rd November, 2018 in Pegangsaan Dua District.
  1. Health
    1. Astra Health Cadre (Avicenna) with target 125 people and achievement 132 people, activity details as follows:
      • Module I health cadre training - Community participation in the implementation of the PTM Posbindu Program in support of the Healthy Indonesia Program on Tuesday – Wednesday, 3rd – 4th April, 2018 at PT Astra International Tbk.
      • Module II of health cadre training - Public Speaking to enhance cadre capacity in providing counseling on Tuesday, 8th May, 2018 at PT Astra International Tbk.
      • Module II health cadre training - Enhanced cadre competency pertaining to Health Funds and Family Planning as well as initiating the formation of cadre and nutrition stalls on Wednesday – Thursday/18th – 19th July, 2018 at PT Astra International Tbk.
    2. One of the health activities that carried out by Astra Otoparts group is blood donation. During January - December 2018, it has collected 4,946 blood bags.
    3. Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) with target 25 Posyandu and achievement 48 Posyandu, activity details as follows:Provided assistance on 25th April, 2018 to Melati & Dahlia Posyandu of RW 02 & RW 04 Pegangsaan Dua District, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta in the form of:
      • Baby Scales
      • Blood Sugar Testing Equipment
      • Provision of Food SupplementsProvided assistance to Karawang regional AOP sponsored Posyandu on 15th August, 2018.
    4. The Wellness Program is a sports activity that burns calories throughout 60 days starts from 9th February – 23rd April, 2018 by using the Endomondo application (this Program is sponsored by Asuransi Astra Buana), activity details as follows:
      • Registration is by downloading the online application (body weight measurement) by using the Body Composition Analyzer Scale that also measures both body weight and body fat content, body water content, muscle weight, body skeletal weight, amount of calories used by the body, calculate age of body as well as fat present around the stomach organs.
      • Launching of the Wellness Program simultaneously with the Company’s 39th Anniversary, which was opened by providing sports shirts from the Company’s management to the Role Models of the Wellness Program.
      • Motivation session in the form of a motivational seminar (motivation to live healthy).
      • Motivate employees to engage in sports activities by using the facilities provided by the Company including running, yoga, zumba, body combat, gymnastics, karate, badminton, futsal, or other sports that can be conducted privately.
      • Competition by providing challenges to the employees that are able to burn the most number of calories.
      • Closing Wellness is a program that is accompanied with a Health Seminar under the theme of diet according to energy requirements and disease.
    5. Health Seminar with the theme of, “Breast Cancer Early Detection”, which was participated in by 55 employees and the Company’s sponsored health cadres on 6th September 2018.
    6. Mammography Test as a continuation of the seminar “Breast Cancer Early Detection”, the participants of the seminar with the following criteria:
      1. Female
      2. Minimum age of 40 years old
      3. Not pregnantNot breastfeeding/lactating

Can carry out a mammography test using the mammography equipment. This program works together with the Indonesian Breast Cancer Foundation and Dharmais Hospital.

  1. Donation Programs
    1. Providing basic foodstuffs (sembako) for 1.220 under privileged families that reside in the Pegangsaan Dua District, in Kelapa Gading on 25th May, 2018.
    2. Provided assistance to victims of the earthquake and tsunami that struck Donggala, Palu & Mamuju, Central Sulawesi occurring on 28th September, 2018 by providing a financial contribution of Rp 200,000,000.
    3. Providing Hari Raya Bonuses on 13th June, 2018 and Support in the form of Sacrificial Animals (Qurban) in the form of 13 goats on 20th August, 2018 that was extended to the following regions:
      • Jakarta (Districts of Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Gading, Polsek, Koramil)
      • Cibitung (District of Ganda Mekar)
      • Cikarang (District of Sukamahi)
      • Karawang (District of Parungmulya)
      • Semarang (District of Jatibarang)
      • Surabaya (District of Karang bong, Polres Sidoarjo)

Responsibilities to Customers

Customer Education

To enhance the community’s ability to obtain information pertaining to products that are produced by the Company and overcome/prevent any losses that consumers may experience due to the use of fake/non-genuine products, the Company has applied a number of educational programs,which includes:

  1. GS ASTRA Solution Center, official services using the GS ASTRA brand for all car users. This service functions as an information center regarding car batteries & support services for car battery issues, which is supported by a call center 15-000-15 as well as a service station representative.
  2. GS ASTRA Smart is an identity from the official GS ASTRA outlet networks that sell genuine GS ASTRA products. The GS ASTRA Smart logo will be carried by the GS ASTRA retailer that fulfills a set criteria by selling only genuine GS ASTRA products.
  3. Community education concerning product knowledge both relating to the superiority of genuine products is carried out through social media in the form of, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube (Aspira AstraID, @aspiraastra,, @Aki_GS_Astra, @gsastraid, and @shopanddrive). Apart from this, in terms of the product’s packaging, the Company affixes the name and address of the Company, Indonesian National Standards label, as well as warning of the dangers including drinking the liquid or contact with the eyes or that it must be kept away from the reach of children.
  4. Provide training pertaining to products and services to the sales office team and main dealers.

Customer Complaints Handling

As one of the most modern retail networks that is owned by Astra Otoparts, Shop&Drive has a good consumer complaints handling system. Shop&Drive is also committed to providing guarantees to replace genuine car batteries for free under the condition and prevailing rules in the event of a factory fault/factory defect. Consumers can access the program and location of the Shop&Drive retail network in detail by accessing the website, mobile app or by calling the call center at 15-000-15. Complaints can not only be submitted by Call Shop&Drive 15-000-15, but also through email to, mobile app, and also social media. This service serves as part of the Company’s overriding commitment to provide the best services.

Sustainability Report 2018

Engage and Synergize Gearing Up Sustainability



1. Tree Planting

In 2017, the Company planted 500 trembesi and mahoni trees in Kertamukti Village of Campaka Sub-District in Purwakarta. By planting trees, the Company contributed to conserving the environment and creating a greener, more comfortable space in the village.

2. Environmental Awareness in Schools

To help schools attain a national recognition as an environmentally-aware schools under Adiwiyata program, the Company and other businesses in Jakarta provided assistance in the form of waste bank management, vertical garden, health cafeteria program, hydroponics planting, and other leading programs including the ones that promote energy efficiency (e.g. replacing cafeteria rooftop with transparent roofing for natural lighting, substituting tube lamps with LED lights), natural resource efficiency (garden sprinkler system using wastewater), and substituting disposable water bottles with reusable canisters. For a detailed elaboration of this program, please see Community Development sub-chapter below.

3. Water Resource Efficiency

Based on 2017 monitoring on water use, the Company water utilization performance is as follows:

  • Groundwater from 16 m3 in 2016 to 460 m3 in 2017.
  • Consumption of pipe water from public water company PAM amounting to 558 m3 in volume, or 6% of the total water consumption of 8,641 m3 in 2016 to 9,020 m3 in 2017.
  • Recycled water for the garden Company consumed 1,145 m3 or 24% out of the total 5,904 m3 of water in the WWTP.

Employment, Occupational Health and Safety

1. Pilot Project Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) & Pilot Project Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS)

To minimize and anticipate incident risk, the Company continuously refines its safety programs, enhances the employees incident rate through Pilot Project Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) and Pilot Project Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) in two subsidiary companies of Astra Otoparts. BBS and CSMS are the continuation of prior safety programs --SGA (Small Group Activity) and CCCF (Completely Check Completely Find-Out)-- that have now been replicated at several subsidiaries. Eventually, the OHS programs seek to create a safe and comfortable workplace for all. At the same time, safety is a shared responsibility, which makes awareness-raising efforts imperative. This is also the reason that the 2017 OHS activities adopted behavioural change and participatory approach.

2. Implementation of a series of safety activities

  • OHS inspection
  • Occupational risk assessment
  • Safety training and seminar
  • Safety permit issuance for contractors

3. Astra Otoparts Fire Awareness Program

  • Fire fighting equipment inspection
  • Fire fighting unit training
  • Fire-prone area inspection
  • Fire risk management seminar and workshop.

4. OHS Month Activities

Following the previous years commemorated 2017 OHS month by organizing a number of activities to promote OHS as follows:

  • Competition in using Portable Fire Extinguisher and hydrant
  • First-aid response competition
  • Blood donation
  • Car emission test
  • Health seminar
  • Morning exercise
  • Safety riding
  • OHS quizzes

5. Employment Practices

The Company deeply appreciates the dedication of all of its employees and this is reflected from its commitment to nurturing good industrial relations. Other than providing a convenient work environment, the Company also provides scholarship for employees the Company granted scholarships to 39 primary level students, 26 junior high students, and 21 high school students. Employees Company; a medical check-up was organized for a total of 2,060 participants. A regular quarterly blood donation program has been in place since 2010, and the Company has also prepared a clinic that offers medical consultation service twice a week. For breastfeeding mothers, a lactation room that can fit seven individuals is provided at the head office.

Social Community

1. "Adiwiyata" Schools

Adiwiyata is a program under the Ministry of Environment and Forestry that promotes environmental awareness and knowledge among primary and secondary students with the aim of actualizing environmental preservation. Founded on participatory and sustainable principles, the program hopes to engage every individual in a school in activities that aim to create a healthy environment and prevent adverse environmental impacts. Adiwiyata observes the norms of Togetherness, Openness, Honesty, Fairness, and Sustainability of Environmental and Natural Resources Functions.

In addition to a number of programs realized to help schools attain a national recognition as an environmentally aware school, the Company also organized Executive Sharing session with one of the Company junior high SMPN 193.

In details, the progress of this program in 2017 is as follows:

  1. SMPN 193, East Jakarta and public senior high SMAN 1 Cikarang Pusat were on the road towards the national Adiwiyata recognition.
  2. Vocational school SMK Texmaco Karawang on the road towards provincial Adiwiyata recognition.
  3. Al-Azhar Islamic School 27, Cibinong, attained Adiwiyata Mandiri school recognition.

2. Astra Otoparts Group "Smart House" Olympics

Held in Wanajaya Village in Cibitung, Bekasi, the smart house Olympics is part of a national program for all Smart Houses under Astra Group. This program aims to stimulate sustained learning activities in all Smart Houses and as an opportunity for the children to perform in a competition. Astra Otoparts Smart Houses consist of five centers, namely Textile Center, Computer Center, Audio-Visual Center, Book Center, and Play Center.

The competition are as follows:

  • Puzzle competition for kindergarten/nursery education
  • Coloring competition for primary level
  • Reading competition for junior and senior secondary level
  • Slide presentation competition for senior secondary level
  • Cooking competition and adult female category
  • Speech competition for junior and senior secondary level

3. School Assistance

Through this mentoring program, the Company works with schools from ECE to primary and senior secondary, including vocational, schools. This program also offers teaching opportunity to employees, especially those with potential knowledge sharing skills and is willing to enter the classrooms as guest teachers. Initially started in 2014, school-mentoring program was revitalized in 2017. The Company may provide hardware, software, as well as brain-ware support. In 2017, the Company and the partner schools located around the Company assistance such as plants, medicinal plants, waste bins, whiteboards, name plates, book shelves, desk and chair set, and children's playground equipment.

These items were carefully selected based on the schools their performance. The identification process for assistance needs and granting was carried out following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding by schools and the Company. ECE Kulintang in Pegangsaan Dua area for early age children on a monthly basis. This is one of the Company to promote better health condition. In addition, the Company also developed the skills of health volunteers at the Posyandu by sending them to with the local government in Pegangsaan Dua in Kelapa Gading Sub-District of North Jakarta.

4. Posyandu Development

Until 2017, the Company remains consistent with the Posyandu guidance program in the form of Supplementary Food Supplements (PMT) for young children every month. This is one of the efforts of the Company to assist in the realization of good public health quality. In addition, the Company also fostered health cadres by involving them in training in cooperation with the local government, namely in Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Gading District, North Jakarta.

5. Sacrificial animal donation

Celebrating 2017 Eid-ul Adha, the Company donated 12 sacrificial goats for the communities around Astra Otoparts sales offices: Kelapa Gading, Bekasi, Karawang, Cikarang, Serang, Cirebon, Semarang, Sidoarjo, and Jember.

6. Basic Food Distribution

The distribution of nine basic food packages has been part of the Company 2004. In 2017, this activity was held on June 9, 2017 or in conjunction with Ramadhan, the Islamic fasting month. Distributing a total of 1,000 packages, the program specifically targets disadvantaged families and orphans living around Pegangsaan Dua area. The Company collaborated with other Astra businesses located in the same area, such as Astra Honda Motor, Astra Otoparts Divisi Nusa Metal, Gemala Kempa Daya, Inti Ganda Perdana, and Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia.

7. Rotating Funds and Training for Mentoring MSMEs

Committed to advancing micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME), the Company started the program by inviting business experts to provide training and business motivation. Following the support, the Company channeled rotating funds on September 4, 2017. This program expected to keep the business players motivated and at the same time equip them with new skills and knowledge.

8. Bus stop revitalization

In commemoration of Astra teams in Jakarta, Bekasi, and Karawang regions carried out bus stop revitalization in the regions. The program was also part of Astra Otoparts participation in Astra campaign.

Responsibilities To Customers

1. Customer Education

To make the Company to the public, and to address/prevent possible damages that may occur from the use of counterfeit products, the Company has several consumer education programs in place, among others:

  1. GS ASTRA Solution Center, the authorized service unit of GS ASTRA for any vehicle user. The Center provides complete information on vehicle batteries, help desk, and manages a call center at 15-000-15 as well as representative workshops.
  2. GS ASTRA Smart, authorized GS ASTRA outlets selling authentic GS ASTRA products. A GS ASTRA retailer is eligible to put GS ASTRA Smart logo on the shop provided that the retailer is able to meet the requirement of selling only GS ASTRA authentic products.
  3. Aspira Sales Awards 2017 for Vocational Students, a competition that provides 12th grade students studying marketing in their vocational schools the first-hand experience in practicing their knowledge. This competition is also endorsed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia as part of the efforts to revitalize the competencies of Indonesian vocational students.
  4. Customer product knowledge education on, among others, product features and authenticity, via social media: website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (Aspira AstraID, @aspiraastra,, @Aki_GS_Astra, @gsastraid, and @shopanddrive)

2. Consumer Complaints Handling

Shop&Drive as a modern retail network owned by Astra Otoparts already has a consumer complaint handling system. Shop&Drive provides free original battery replacement guarantee with terms and conditions applied. Customers may access the complete program and Shop&Drive outlet locations at or by contacting the call center at 5000-15. The development of this service demonstrates the Company's commitment to provide the best service for its customers, both corporate and individual.


1. Tree Planting

In 2016, the Company planted 200 Rain trees, Mahogany and Bamboo trees in Tipar, Cakung. Through this activity, the Company has also contributed in preserving the green areas and building better environmental conditions for the community residing in those areas.

2. Environmental Based School Program

In the series of Adiwiyata program as campaigned by the Company, a number of environmental programs which have been launched include Medicine Plants for School (TOKO), Organic Waste Recycling into Compost (Composting), Bio pore absorbing holes, mosquito breeding eradication (PSN), Healthy Canteen Program, Green Program and Park, Hydroponic Program, Green House Program and Botanical Garden.

3. Water Resources Efficiency

Based on monitoring results in 2016, the consumption of water in the Company has been successfully reduced, as follows:

  • Consumption of Under Ground Water (ABT) has been decreased by 86.2% from 29 m3 in 2015 to 4 m3 in 2016 with an expense saving of Rp 422,905.
  • Consumption of PAM water has been decreased by 17.3% or 1,438 m3, from 8,299 m3 in 2015 to 6,861 m3 in 2016, a saving in expense amounting to Rp 18,046,900.
  • Consumption of recycled water in 2016, compared with 2015 is lower in percentage (from 44.0% in 2015 to 43.0%) but the consumption volume is increased, from 2,109 m3 to 2,162 m3 in 2016.

Employment, Occupational Health and Safety

1. Pilot Project for Behavior Based Safety (BBS) and Construction Safety Management System (CSMS) program

These are initiated to decrease and anticipate the accident level. The Company has refined its work safety programs, increased employee awareness for the purpose of minimizing the potential hazards and reduced the fatal accident level during work by continuing Pilot Project of Behavior Based Safety (BBS) and Pilot Project of Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) within two subsidiaries of Astra Otoparts.

BBS & CSMS programs are the continuation of the previous Safety programs which are SGA (Small Group Activity) and CCCF (Completely Check Completely Find-out) which have been implemented in several subsidiaries.

The consistency of the Company in implementing the work safety programs has been improved from year to year. The main purpose of the implementation is to create safe and comfortable work environment, in which all employees would have high level of awareness in the importance of work safety. The guideline for the programs in 2016 refers to employee approach and involvement in the work safety concerns and conduct. 

2. Training AGC-AFC

For the purpose of regeneration of AGC AFC assessors in Astra Otoparts group, the Company trained new AGC - AFC assessors on 22-24 November 2016 by inviting two representatives from work safety team and CSR from each subsidiary and associate within Astra Otoparts group.

3. Training of AGC-AFC Assessors and Lead Assessor

In addition to conducting the regeneration training for AGC - AFC assessors, the Company has also conducted the upgrading training for Observer to become Assessor or Lead Assessor. In addition to being an Assessor or Lead Assessor in AOP group, they are also expected to be able to perform implementation control of AGC - AFC in his/her own entity.

4. Month of Work Safety

Similar to prior years, in 2016 the Company of Work Safety is filled with SHE campaigning activities:

  • Portable Fire Extinguisher and Hydrant Competition,
  • Emergency Help Competition (PPGD),
  • Blood donation
  • Vehicle emission testing
  • Health seminar
  • Morning workout
  • Safety riding
  • Work Safety Quiz

Social Community

1. Science House Olympics

For the second year, on 11 August 2016 the Company held Science House Olympics for the purpose of making the residents of Wanajaya, Cibitung, Bekasi gain the benefits from the existence of Astra Otoparts Science House. The Olympics activities held for the surrounding community include five centers covering Skills Center, Computer Center, Audio Visual Center, Book Center and Play Center. In accordance with the Company motivation in developing people empowerment, the Olympics was held together with the affiliates of Astra Otoparts group. 

2. Basic Needs Distribution

The distribution of basic needs has been routinely performed on annual basis. On 17 June 2016, the distribution specifically focused on families below poverty line (non - productive families) and orphans domiciled near Pegangsaan Dua district. The activity represents the cooperation with other subsidiaries such as Astra Otoparts Nusa Metal Division, Gemala Kempa Daya, Inti Ganda Perdana and Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia. 

3. Posyandu Development

As a manifestation of the Company achieving good public health condition, in 2016, the Company assists the development of Posyandu through the Additional Food Intake program (PMT) for infants and toddlers on a monthly basis. Such activity is held in cooperation with a number of parties particularly with local government in Pegangsaan Dua district.

4. Qurban Animals Donation

In commemoration of Idul Adha in 2016, the Company donated twelve goats for the community near the sales of office of Astra Otoparts, among others in Kelapa Gading, Bekasi, Karawang, Cikarang, Serang, Cirebon, Semarang, Sidoarjo and Jember.

5. Adiwiyata Program Kick-off

Adiwiyata Program or Adiwiyata School is a program of creating an environmentally based schools, which is applicable at elementary, junior high or high school. In order to create schools with care to environment and culture, the Company needs school management model which supports the environmental education by all school members. In addition, the program is designed to strengthen the awareness of school members to be responsible in protecting and managing the environment through a good school governance. With a school having the care to environment and culture, the Company expects to cultivate young generation with environmental preservation mindset.

Responsibilities To Customers

1. Customer Education

One of the customer education programs conducted by the Company is the public education program to notice the good quality of vehicle battery. The program was launched through public education commercials to purchase genuine battery. The education commercials have long been launched in particularly automotive printed media such as Otomotif Tabloid, AutoBild Magazine and Motorplus Tabloid. Beside in printed media, this education program was also distributed to all consumers throughout Astra Otoparts distribution channels.

2. Customer Complaints Handling

Shop&Drive, as one of modern retail network of Astra Otoparts, has already maintained good customer complaint system. Customers may access the program and location of Shop & Drive retail stores in at or by contacting the call center at 15-000-15. The development of such service represents the Company’s commitment in providing the best service for its customers, both corporate and individuals.


1. Tree Planting

In 2015, the Company planted 200 types of Trembesi tree, Mahogany tree and Bamboo tree in Tipar, Cakung. Through this activity, the Company contributes in preserving the nearby green areas and builds a better environment for the residing people.

2. Environmentally-Cultures School Program

Within the series of activities of Adiwiyata program campaign, the Company has launched a number of environmental programs such as Medicinal Plants for School (TOKO), Recycling Program from Organic Waste to Compost (Composting), Water Absorption Holes (Biopores), Elimination of Mosquito Breeding Places (PSN), Healthy Canteen Program, Go Green and Park Program, Hydroponic Program, Green House Program and Botanical Garden.

3. Water Resources Efficiency

Based on this year’s monitoring, the water resources consumption level for Underground Water (ABT) in Astra Otoparts (head office) has been successfully reduced which decreasing 83% from 151 m3 in 2014 to 25 m3 in 2015 and an equivalent of cost saving of Rp 2,131,416. The water recycling process in 2015 has resulted to a total volume of 1,807 m3 from a total waste of 3,863 m3 or an equivalent of 47%, whereby such recycled water has been mainly used for watering the plants within the area of Astra Otoparts premise.

Employment, Occupational Health and Safety

1. Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) Pilot Project

The Company has exerted efforts in decreasing and anticipating the number of accidents including by focusing on the work safety programs, enhancing the employee awareness to mitigate the hazardous risks and reducing the number of fatal accidents at work by launching the Behaviour-Based Safety (BBS) Pilot Project within three subsidiaries of Astra Otoparts. The BBS program represents the continuation of the previous safety programs which are SGA (Small Group Activity) and CCCF (Completely Check Completely Find-out) which had been implemented in wholly owned subsidiaries.

The Company’s consistency in implementing health and safety programs has been improved from year to year. The overaching purpose of such implementation is to create a safe and comfortable work environment, in which all employees should be fully aware of safety aspects. Therefore, the focus for such programs in 2015 were set with the involvement of employees to induce safety awareness behavior.

2. Healthy City Assessment

Due to the appointment as a healthy office to represent North Jakarta administrative region, Astra Otoparts participated in the healthy city assessment held by the North Jakarta Mayor on 21 September 2015. The indicator of a healthy office includes the establishment of non-smoking areas in the office as indicated by the available supervisor monitoring the non-smoking areas and the available stickers or written notices to provide warnings not to smoke at the work premises; the availability of health insurance for workers such as BPJS for Health and Garda Medika Insurance, the availability of mother care room for nursing mothers and emergency room with paramedic equipment and the featured Green Product programs such as composting and biopore holes.

3. AGC – AFC in Practice

For the purpose of regeneration for AGC – AFC assessors in Astra Otoparts Group, the Company conducted training for new AGC – AFC assessors from 13-15 April 2015 by inviting 1-2 representatives from HSE and CSR teams from each subsidiary under Astra Otoparts Group.

4. HSE Month Activities

From 12 January-12 February 2015, to commemorate the HSE month, Astra Otoparts (head office) held a HSE activity campaign which included:

  • Photo Contest of Unsafe Action and Unsafe Conditions,
  • Contest of Using Portable Fire Extinguisher (“APAR”) and hydrants,
  • Contest of Emergency Action Help,
  • Blood donor drives,
  • Car emissions tests,
  • Health seminar,
  • Morning exercise,
  • Safety riding,
  • HSE Quiz.

5. Photo Contest of Unsafe Action and Unsafe Condition

Employees are expected to search and take pictures of unsafe action and unsafe condition for the purpose of providing corrective actions. The photos are judged based on the criteria of Probability, Fatality and Impact to the Company.

6. APAR and Hydrant Usage Training

To improve the skills and readiness of the area officers at head office, on 18 February 2015 the Company conducted Portable Fire Extinguisher (APAR) and Hydrant Usage Training, whereby the participants were educated and given instructions on how to appropriately extinguish fires by using gunny sacks and APAR.

7. Emergency (“PPGD”) Training

From 25 – 26 February 2015 the Company conducted Emergency (PPGD) Training with HSE Committee (P2K3L) team and Emergency (TKKD) team. The purpose of the training is to improve the skills of team members in handling emergency situation and workplace accidents, whereby the participants were educated and given instructions on how to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (RJP) with the correct techniques.

8. Blood Donor Drives

Blood donor drives are one of the routine activities held by the Company in cooperation with Indonesia Red Cross. Every Blood Donor activity is always enthusiastically welcomed by all employees with the pure motivation of doing good for others.

In 2015, the blood donor drives were held three times which were in January 2015 (75 bags), May 2015 (76 bags), and September 2015 (54 bags), resulting to a total number of 205 blood bags.

9. Vehicles Emission Test

The increasing number of vehicles operating on the streets has become a trigger of carbon emissions and ambient air pollution. One of the efforts in controlling the air quality is by controlling the vehicles' gas emissions. Upon the enforcement of Regulation of Jakarta Governor No 92/2007 of Emissions Tests and Vehicle Maintenance, twice a year Astra Otoparts in cooperation with Auto 2000 performs emission tests for all four wheel vehicles owned by its employees and partners. The emissions test is conducted at parking lots at the backside of the Company’s head office.

In 2015, emissions tests were conducted on 16-17 February 2015 and 6 July 2015. Vehicles not meeting the emission standard would undergo minor repairs such as a tune up by a team of mechanics from Auto2000 and would be recommended for further repairs if necessary. The routine emissions tests encourage employees to perform better maintenance. Better ignition systems would not only reduce the carbon emission level but also minimize air pollution, in addition to increasing fuel efficiency.

10. Health Seminar

The Company’s health seminar was conducted twice, during the commemoration of HSE Month in February 2015 and during the Health Month in May 2015. The materials provided in the seminar are related to the top ten diseases based on MCU check and Employee Nutrition Guide. The top ten diseases seminar based on MCU check was presented by Prodia, while the Employee Nutrition Guide was presented directly by the corporate physician.

11. Morning Exercise

To maintain the employees physical stamina, the Company conducts morning aerobics exercise once a month on Friday morning which is enthusiastically attended by employees and management.

12. Safety Riding

One of the safety work programs in Astra Otoparts (head office) is Basic Safety Riding Training. The goal of this training is to provide basic technique knowledge and to train the driving skills and to create the safety campaign culture through a safety riding and traffic program for employees. This activity was conducted on 23 March 2015 attended by each representative of area PIC in Astra Otoparts.

13. HSE Quiz

To educate employees and to assess the depth of knowledge of its employees in terms of safety, the HSE Committee (P2K3L) also conducted a HSE quiz, in which the employees were required to describe 5 unsafe actions and 5 unsafe conditions in the pictures related to office hazards.

Social Community

1. Training of Teachers of Early Childhood Education (PAUD)

The training of PAUD teachers is a CSR programs for community development, which is performed by the Company periodically since 2010. Until 2015, there have been more than 200 homemakers of PKK of Kelapa Gading District who have received the certificate as PAUD teacher training conducted by the Company. Further, they are equipped to teach in the PAUD schools supervised by the Company in various subdistricts in Kelapa Gading. The training which has reached its 6th anniversary was conducted on 12 October 2015 in cooperation with Himpaudi institution.

2. AOP Science House Olympic

On 26 August 2015, the Company conducted the AOP Science House Olympics with the purpose of making the residents of Wanajaya, Cibitung, Bekasi benefit from the presence of the AOP Science House. The Olympics event is held for the surrounding community and covers four categories: Skill Center, Computer Center, Audio Visual Center, Book Center and Play Center. In accordance with the spirit and motivation of the Company to improve public empowerment, the Olympics event was held simultaneously with subsidiaries/affiliates of Astra Otoparts Group.

3. Distribution of Basic Needs

The activity of distributing the 9 basic needs has been routinely performed on an annual basis. On 8 July 2015, the distribution was conducted during fasting month (Ramadhan). The distribution is specifically focused on the below-poverty-line families (non-productive families) and orphaned children domiciled around Pegangsaan Dua Sub-District. The activities represent cooperation between Company and its subsidiaries/affiliates such as Astra Otoparts Nusa Metal Division, Gemala Kempa Daya, Inti Ganda Perdana and Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia.

4. Development of Integrated Health Center (Posyandu)

As a part of its corporate social responsibility to achieve a good public health, in 2015 the Company conducted Posyandu development activities through a program called Additional Food Intake (PMT) for early childhood on a monthly basis. This activity is conducted through cooperation with various parties particularly with local government representatives in Pegangsaan Dua Sub-District. 

5. Donation for Qurban

To commemorate Idul Adha in 2015, the Company donated 23 goats for the people around Astra  Otoparts sales offices such as those in Kelapa Gading, Bekasi, Karawang, Cikarang, Serang, Cirebon, Semarang, Sidoarjo and Jember.

6. Adiwiyata Program Kick-off

Adiwiyata Program or Adiwiyata school is an environment preservation empowerment school, particularly for elementary, junior high and high school levels. To create a role model school with an environment care and culture to support the implementation of an environment curriculum by all school personnel. In addition, the program is designed to strengthen the school’s awareness to have a sense of responsibility in the efforts made to protect and preserve the environment through good governance to support the sustainable development. By developing a school with environment care and culture, we expect to develop the environmental awareness in younger generation. 

Through cooperation with Al-Fidaa Cendikia Islamic Education Foundation in Tambun, Bekasi and SMPN 193 in East Jakarta, the Company established Adiwiyata School. Adiwiyata School program kick-off was held on 24 January 2015 at Al-Fidaa School Hall and on 24 April 2015 at SMPN 193.

This activity represents the start-up of Adiwiyata School Activities Program planned to be conducted at SMPIT (Integrated Islamic Education for Junior High) and SMAIT (Integrated Islamic Education for High School) under Al-Fidaa Foundation and at SMPN 193 in East Jakarta. Through an integrated CSR program, Astra Otoparts Group will support such activities for the purpose that each school has an environment care and culture program in line with the Ministry of Environment campaign in creating awareness and instilling the knowledge among the school members to maintain a healthy environment and to prevent negative environmental effects.

Responsibilities to Customers

1. Consumer Education

To minimize the loss incurred by the Company due to the usage of non-original batteries, increasingly found recently, the Company launched a public education commercial to purchase the original GS Astra battery. The education commercial has been long launched in mass media particularly automotive printed media such as Tabloid Otomotif, Autobild Magazine, Motorplus Tabloid and also distributed to all dealers of Astra Otoparts to be disseminated to all consumers.

2. Customer Complaint Handling

One of the modern retail networks owned by Astra Otoparts is Shop&Drive, which has its own customer complaint handling. Shop&Drive provides the guarantee of replacement of free original battery with certain terms and conditions. Customers may access the complete program and Shop&Drive outlet locations at or by contacting the call center at 5000-15. The development of this service demonstrates the Company’s commitment to provide the best service for its customers, both corporate and individual.


1. Efficiency of Water Resources

In the use of water resources, Astra Otoparts (Head Office) succeed to decrease the use of groundwater (ABT) from 568 m3 in 2013 to 331 m3 in 2014, or an efficiency of water resources by 42% or cost savings of Rp 4,029,000. 

Water recycling system of Astra Otoparts (Head Office) in 2014 resulted in a total discharge as much as 1,599 m3 of a total waste of 5,880 m3, or a recycle percentage of 27%. The use of recycled used water is more to replacement of pool water and watering the plants in Astra Otoparts area.

2. Vehicle Emissions Testing

In 2014, emissions tests were held on April 21-22 and August 27-28. For vehicles that do not meet the quality standard requirements of emission, tune up was done by the mechanics of Auto2000 and recommended for further repairs in the workshop if needed. Routine emissions test is to encourage employees who ride vehicles to better care for their vehicles. Good combustion system can suppress carbon emissions level, lower air pollution, as well as fuel efficiency.

3. Trees Planting Activity

Astra Otoparts commitment to support go green movement remains consistently. Since the year 2012 until now no less than 52,000 trees have been planted and donated to be planted in various places in Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi, Karawang, Semarang, and Yogyakarta. In 2014, the Company carried out the planting of 16,000 trees with the following details:

  • 10,000 trees were planted in Astra Sentul Eco Edu Tourism Forest.
  • 1,500 trees were planted in Pegangsaan Dua, West Kelapa Gading and East Kelapa Gading Timur Villages, Kelapa Gading District.
  • 5,000 trees were planted in Bekasi in cooperation with SMP 1 North Cikarang and BPLHD Bekasi Regency. The planted trees consist of 15 species and planted at 69 schools competing for schools with environmental insight and fostered school SMPN 1 North Cikarang.
  • 1,500 trees were planted in Mount Geulis, Bogor.

4. Decreased Level of IPAL Ammonia

A significant increase in the number of employees made one domestic IPAL device not function optimally so that the produced ammonia level always exceeds Environmental Quality Standards (BML) set by Decision of Governor of DKI Jakarta No. 122 of 2005. Therefore, an attempt was made to decrease the ammonia level from previously at an average of 29.8 ppm to an average of 7 ppm while BML set by the government is 10 ppm.

Some identified problems were wastewater from septic tanks directly into the aeration basin, active sludge directly into thesewer, and unpredicted significant increase in the number of  employees. To overcome these problems, the Company made equalization basin, sludge sedimentation basin, and increased the capacity of aeration basin which processes using anoxic method.

It turns that anoxic method is less effective because it only reduces ammonia level to 15.98 ppm, still above BML limit, so it was replaced by the aeration method and addition of honeycomb media that managed to reduce ammonia level to 13.67 ppm.

However both methods still had not reached the target because the pH level into the IPAL was too low (7.5 - 8) so it was overcome by injecting NaOH using dosing pump to raise the pH to > 9 and managed to get the latest average ammonia level of 5.87 ppm.

This achievement obtained cost saving opportunity of Rp 21.12 million for landscaping and another potential benefit was avoiding government fine of Rp 2.41 billion.

Employment, Occupational Health and Safety

1. Safety Committee

In 2012 Astra Otoparts established Safety Committee simultaneously throughout the companies whose shares were 100% owned by Astra Otoparts. This committee is required to help management improve employee awareness in an effort to reduce the risk of harm and reduce the number of fatal accidents while the employees are at work. 

Throughout the 2014, the Safety Committee is consistent with its program of developing the implementation of the Safety Improvement by improving Hazard Reduction Training for employees and improving Hazard Finding practices in the production process lines, especially in Astra Otoparts subsidiaries. In accordance with the 2014 target, that the implementation of the Safety Improvement through the SGA (Small Group Activity) and CCCF (Completely Check Completely Find Out) program is at least 50% of Astra Otoparts’s independent subsidiaries, and its achievements up to 60% will continue on in 2015 until it reaches 100%.

2. Blood Donor Activity

Blood donor activity is one of routine activities that are often conducted by the Company in cooperation with Indonesian Red Cross. Each blood donor event is always welcomed enthusiastically by all employees of the Company with sincere intention to do good for others. In 2014, blood donor was held three times, in January, April, and September that generated 378 blood bags.

3. Employee Photo Contest 

On January 12 until February 12, 2014, in commemoration of the K3 month the Company held various competitions related to K3 including Unsafe Action and Unsafe Condition photo contest in which employees were asked to find and photograph unsafe situation and work attitude to administer corrective actions, use of light fire extinguisher (APAR) and hydrant, and emergency first aid (PPGD) competition.

4. Training for the Use of APAR and Hydrant

To improve the skills and preparedness of the area person in charge (PIC) at head office, on February 7 the Company held training for the use of light fire extinguisher (APAR) and hydrant.

5. PROPER Discussion

On March 19, 2014 located in Kelapa Gading Sport Club Astra Otoparts held a discussion with a team of DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to share knowledge regarding implementation of LK3 with a theme of Environmental Management Performance Rating Program (PROPER). The discussion was attended by Regional Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta Province, Labor Department of DKI Jakarta Province, and K3 PIC of Astra Otoparts group, namely AOP Nusametal Division, Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia, Century Batteries Indonesia, DIC Astra Chemical, Denso Indonesia, FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia, GS Battery, Inti Ganda Perdana, Gemala Kempa Daya, Pakoakuina, and SKF Indonesia.

6. PPGD Training

In March the Company organized Emergency First Aid (PPGD) Training in cooperation with Occupational Safety and Welfare and Environment Advising Committee (P2K3L) team and Emergency Preparedness Team (TKKD). The purpose of this training was to improve the skills of the team members officers in handling emergency situations. 

7. Employee Sports Competition

In commemoration of the Health Month, in April the Company organized sports competition that engage in various sports such as indoor soccer, badminton, volleyball, table tennis, and chess.

8. Benchmarking Program

On May 11 - 14, the Company conducted a benchmarking program to PT Semen Holcim Indonesia in Cilacap to study PROPER performance, PT GE Lightning Indonesia in Klaten to study occupational safety program, and Tourism Village Sukunan Village, Sleman, Yogyakarta to study implementation of independent waste management by local residents.

9. Health Seminar

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease with deadly complications. Along with lifestyle changes, people with DM in Indonesia rank fourth in the world. There are an estimated 10 million people in Indonesia with DM today. To provide an understanding for employees regarding DM disease risk and how to avoid it, on June 13, the Company in cooperation with PT Kalbe Farma held a health seminar with a theme of diabetes mellitus.

10. Morning Exercise

To maintain employees’ fitness, every Friday morning the Company organized morning exercise event enthusiastically participated by employees and management team.

Social Community

1. PSN (Mosquitoes Nests Eradication) Community Service

On February 21, 2014, Astra Otoparts participated in Community Service together with TNI (Koramil, Yon Arhanud 06 and Kodim), Pengangsaan Dua Village element, and RW 03 residents to jointly conduct fogging to eradicate the nests of mosquitoes carrying dengue virus. This activity was a precautionary measure after the previous flood by getting active involvement of the local communities.

2. School Renovation for Mount Kelud Eruption Victims

On Thursday, February 13, 2014 before midnight, Mount Kelud in East Java erupted. At least 214 schools of various levels in Kediri Regency, Kediri City, Malang Regency, and Blitar Regency were damage and resulted in more than 16,000 students could not went to schools. On April 16, Astra Otoparts handed over a donation worth Rp 100 million to finance the rehabilitation of SDN Puncu II in Kediri.

3. Training for Early Childhood Education (PAUD) Teachers

Training for PAUD teachers is one of CSR programs in community development done by Astra Otoparts regularly since 2010. Until 2014, more than 200 PKK members in Kelapa Gading District had been trained to be certified PAUD teachers. Those PAUD teachers would teach in PAUD schools fostered by Astra Otoparts spread in every RW in Kelapa Gading District. This fifth year training was held on May 20-23, 2014 in collaboration with Surya Institute.

4. Inauguration Astra Otoparts Smart House

On June 18, the Company held inauguration of AOP Smart House in Cibitung, Bekasi. Smart House is the result of cooperation between Cahaya Iman Foundation and Solidarity of United Indonesia Cabinet Wives (SIKIB) with 26 subsidiaries of Astra Otoparts namely AOP Adiwira Plastik Division, AOP Nusametal Division, Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia, Astra Daido Steel Indonesia, Aisin Indonesia, Astra Nippon Gasket Indonesia, Astra Komponen Indonesia, AT Indonesia, Astra Visteon Indonesia, Century Batteries Indonesia, DIC Astra Chemical, Denso Indonesia, Federal Izumi Manufacturing, Federal Nittan Industries, FSCM Manufacturing Indonesia, Indokarlo Perkasa, Inti Ganda Perdana, Gemala Kempa Daya, GS Battery, Kayaba Indonesia, Menara Terus Makmur, Nusa Keihin Indonesia, SKF Indonesia, Toyoda Gosei Safety System Indonesia, and TD Automotive Compressor Indonesia.

5. Astra Green Lifestyle Campaign

On June 15, 2014 Astra Otoparts participated in Astra Green Lifestyle Campaign at Bung Karno Sports Center Senayan organized by Astra International. The event was open to the public and filled with various activities aimed at inspiring people to live environmentally friendly by introducing Know, Do, Teach method.

6. Income Generating Activities (IGA)

IGA is a flagship CSR program of Astra Otoparts revolving funds for informal business sector in the community. The program that has been running for nine years initially focused on the community in the first ring surrounding the Company. The resident owned business that has been assisted consisted of various business sectors, such as street trader, vegetable vendor, bridal, eel breeding, catfish breeding, cake maker, convection, and processed soybean maker. Since the year 2013, IGA program has expanded into the second ring and the third ring areas. It has been more than 53 micro businesses that received IGA revolving fund. On June 19, 2014, the Company launched IGA program in Cilincing, North Jakarta given to small industries making of catfish food and catfish breeding Rotari (Rorotan Tampil Berseri) fish breeding group (Pokdakan) Budi Ilma Sejahtera.

7. Betawi Culture Program

On June 25, 2014, Astra Otoparts together with its subsidiaries located in Jakarta region launched Betawi culture program filled with conservation activities for traditional martial silat Beksi and traditional Betawi dance.

8. Iftar

One routine activity in the month of Ramadan is a hospitality and iftar event with the local community filled with spiritual speech and donations to orphans. In 2014 iftar was held on July 11, 2014.

9. Nine Basic Needs Donation

Still in commemoration of the month of Ramadan, on July 15, 2014 the Company distributed free nine-basic-need packages to 1,050 families and orphans who lived in Pegangsaan Dua Village. This event was collaboration with subsidiaries of Astra Otoparts including AOP Nusametal Division, Gemala Kempa Daya, Inti Ganda Perdana, Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia, and Astra Honda Motor.

10. Revolving Funds Donation

On August 28, 2014, the Company continued to provide revolving funds to 49 SMEs in Kelapa Gading and five SMEs in Batik Laweyan Village, Solo.

11. Training for Air Conditioner (AC) Technicians

On September 29, 2014 training was launched for ten selected participants to be AC technicians. The training was held at AOP Smart House in Cibitung, Bekasi for ten days.

12. Astra Knowledge Sharing

In October 2014, Astra Otoparts participated in Astra Knowledge Sharing program held in Cileungsi, Cibubur, Bekasi, and Bogor.

Responsibilities to Customers

1. Consumer Education

To minimize the loss of consumers due to the use of fake batteries that are more available in the market lately, Astra Otoparts launched public education advertising so that they willing to buy the original GS Astra. This education advertising has been launched in the mass media, especially automotive mass media such as Otomotif Tabloid, AutoBild magazine, Motorplus Tabloid, and also distributed to all dealers of Astra Otoparts for display and read by consumers.

2. Consumer Complaints Handling

Shop&Drive as a modern retail network owned by Astra Otoparts already has a consumer complaint handling system. Shop&Drive provides free original battery replacement guarantee with terms and conditions applied. During 2014 there were 8,549 batteries provided to consumers for their claims of damages.


1. Efficiency of Water Resources

In conducting its operations, Astra Otoparts continues to do business with energy savings by gradually switching to new technologies in the field of energy that can help the Company’s energy efficiency program. In 2013 Astra Otoparts began gradually replacing the use of lamps, from fluorescent lamps into LED lamps. Going forward energy and cost savings are expected to be realized. Astra Otoparts also has a treatment system to recycle used water. In 2013, with a total discharged exhaust of 6,204 m3, the successfully recycled water was 1,826 m3.

Employment, Occupational Health and Safety

1. Safety Committee

In 2012 Astra Otoparts established Safety Committee which performed simultaneously in all companies that 100% owned by Astra Otoparts. While the new program implementation phase started in 2013.

In terms to generate the culture and the need for reduction and prevention of occupational accidents, the Company feels the need to announce this program to increase employee awareness of hazards risk reduction as well as to avoid fatal accidents which may occur in working hours.

2. Blood Donor

Astra Otoparts organizes blood donor program for employees to help maintain the employees’ health and help the public community who are in need. Blood donor was conducted in collaboration with Indonesian Red Cross three times during 2013 and collected 200 blood ampoules from employees in the head office.

3. Emission Test

In accordance with Regulation of DKI Jakarta Governor No. 92/2007 concerning Emission Test and Vehicles Maintenance, Astra Otoparts conducts emission tests for all four-wheelers owned by employees at Astra Otoparts parking area. During 2013 emission tests were conducted twice in cooperation with Auto2000 workshop. This program is expected to encourage employees as vehicle owners to perform better maintenance of their vehicles for purpose of reducing carbon emission level as well as decreasing air pollution level.

4. Light Fire Extinguisher and Hydrant Training

To anticipate fire disaster, gradually Astra Otoparts equips its employees which from security members and Shop&Drive’s employees with training on the use of light fire extinguisher (APAR) and hydrant, so it makes them be ready to overcome the fire disaster.

5. Health Seminar

Heart disease as a major cause of death in Indonesia becomes one of Astra Otoparts’ concerns, therefore the Company held a seminar on heart health in cooperation with Awal Bros Hospital which invited the Company’s surrounding community in Pegangsaan Dua.

6. Communication Forum

To maintain coordination and improve awareness of LK3, the Company holds communication forum of SHE (Safety, Health and Environment) teams of Astra Otoparts group with different theme on each occasion. During 2013 communication forum were held three times with several themes including energy efficiency, greenhouse gas reduction and proper.

7. Safety Riding Training

The high number of traffic accidents each year is also one of the Company’s focuses, therefore in 2013 the Company organized safety riding training twice for the employees. In the two-day training Astra Otoparts collaborated with Astra Honda Motor.

8. Benchmark

In May 2013 SHE teams of the entire Astra Otoparts group together performed benchmark with three companies in East Java, the first was PT Dupont Agricultural Product in Sidoarjo to learn implementation of activities undertaken pertaining to occupational safety, then PT Indofood Sukses Makmur in Pasuruan to learn proper performance since in 2012 this company achieved green rating for proper implementation, and the last was Poetra Sampoerna Foundation – Sampoerna Academy in Malang to learn implementation of CSR programs in education.

9. Proper Training

Company’s Environmental Management Performance Rating Program or so-called proper is one of the Ministry of Environment efforts to encourage corporate structuring in environmental management. To improve the proper assessment results, Astra Otoparts organized proper technical guidance intended for the Person in Charge (PIC), observers, and assessors of AGC and AFC from Astra Otoparts group which was conducted on August 30, 2013, in collaboration with Regional Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD) of DKI Jakarta as resource agency.

10. Sharing Knowledge

To learn more about SHE implementation, Astra Otoparts’ SHE teams also performed sharing knowledge with teams of BPLHD, Health Department, and Manpower and Transmigration Department of Bekasi and Karawang Regencies. The event was attended by 25 people, including Head of Manpower and Transmigration Department of Bekasi Regency, Coordinator of Industrial Health and Health Department Union, and staff representatives of Manpower and Transmigration Department of Karawang Regency, and Person in Charge of SHE from subsidiaries of Astra Otoparts Group in Bekasi and Kawarang regions.

11. Morning Aerobics

To raise awareness of the importance of healthy body, since 2013 Astra Otoparts also began organizing morning aerobics with employees every Friday.

Social Community

1. Income Generating Activities

In 2013 Astra Otoparts provided donation worth Rp50 million to Development Forum of Kampung Batik Laweyan (FPKBL) in Solo. This fund was mainly directed to batik entrepreneurs in Girli or Pinggir Kali areas, Kampung Batik Laweyan who were encouraged to create environmentally friendly products, for example by using natural dyes in their production process.

Astra Otoparts also assisted the community in Selang Cau Village, Wanasari, Cibitung for Sangkuriang catfish farming. The program consisted of several preparation stages, including site survey, discussions with the community and trainings of catfish farming and entrepreneurship, as well as site development of Sangkuriang catfish farming.

2. Environment Preservation

Continuously deteriorated environment condition becomes Astra Otoparts’ prioritized environment issue. During 2013 Astra Otoparts planted 22,300 trees, exceeded the target of 20,000 trees. All of these trees were distributed to several areas, including Kelapa Gading District, Atang Sanjaya Airport in Bogor, Bekasi Regency, Rorotan Village, and Karawang Regency. The tree planting program is a collaboration of Astra Otoparts group’s subsidiaries located in Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi, and Karawang regions.

In commemoration of World Environment Day, Astra Otoparts also participated in a series of Astra Green Lifestyle Campaign (AGLC) activities together with other Astra Group companies which were held on June 30, 2013 at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. AGLC which was initiated by Astra International is an environmentally friendly lifestyle campaign with Astra that is expected to inspire all visitors to live environmentally friendly with Know, Do and Teach tagline.

In this AGLC campaign Astra Otoparts participated by displaying simulation of recycle process of used goods, providing free medical check-ups for visitors and joining Green Race which was healthy walk competition in groups with environmental theme in which environmentally related tasks were given at very Know-Do-Teach post passed by the participants.

3. Development of Families with Children under Five – Early Childhood Development Trainings (BKB – ECD)

BKB program is an effort to improve knowledge, skills, and awareness of mothers in fostering growth and development of their children under five through physical, motoric, intelligence, social, emotional, and moral stimulations, which are developed during interaction process between mothers and their children under five. Whilst early childhood development is an effort to foster and educate children, from infants to six year old children through educational stimulation to assist mental and cognitive growth and development in order to be prepared for begin elementary school.

The purpose of this program is to improve knowledge and skills of early childhood development teachers in ECD management from initial process to successful development. It is expected that with the training, early childhood development teachers in Kelapa Gading area are prepared to properly manage the ECDs.

In 2013 Astra Otoparts successfully implemented the same program for the fourth time since 2010 with 48 participants for four days, in collaboration with BKKBN Learning Organization Center of DKI Jakarta.

4. Sembako Donation

In 2013 Astra Otoparts again held sembako (nine basic needs) donation to 1,050 families and orphans located in Pegangsaan Dua. This routine program held every Ramadan month is collaboration between the Astra Otoparts group’s subsidiaries located around Pegangsaan Dua, which are PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk Divisi Nusa Metal, PT Gemala Kempa Daya, PT Inti Ganda Perdana and PT Akebono Brake Astra Indonesia with Astra Honda Motor.

5. Qurban Donation

In Eid al-Adha celebration in 2013, Astra Otoparts provided 23 goats to Astra Otoparts – Sales Office’s surrounding communities which were among others located in Kelapa Gading, Cibitung, Karawang, Cikarang, Serang, Cirebon, Semarang, Sidoarjo and Jember.

Responsibilities to Customers

1. Customer Education

To minimize customers’ losses due to the use of fake batteries which are widely available lately, Astra Otoparts launched public education ads so the people will buy original GS Astra batteries. The education ads have been launched on mass media for quite a long time, particularly on automotive mass media such as Otomotif Tabloid, AutoBild Magazine, MotorPlus Tabloid and also distributed to all Astra Otoparts dealers for display and can be read by customers.

2. Customer Complaint Handling

Shop&Drive as one of modern retail networks owned by Astra Otoparts has customer complaint handling system. Shop&Drive guarantees free replacement of original batteries with terms and conditions applied. During 2013 there were 10,764 batteries provided to customers for their damage claims.