
Don't Forget to Check Your Vehicle Before "Mudik"


JAKARTA: Mudik is the most anticipated tradition when Ramadan arrives, returning to the hometown to gather with family and relatives interrupted by routine activities to be a trigger for their own enthusiasm and excitement. But don't forget, the long trip that usually takes hours must be accompanied by excellent vehicle conditions. Before mudik it is better to do a routine check of crucial vehicle components such as batteries, oil, and the tie rod of the car.

Routine checking of vehicles does look trivial, but it is very important to do so that it can suppress the emergence of problems in the vehicle to minimize fatal conditions that are not desirable on the trip. Having Astra quality services, Shop&Drive applies 11 points of routine vehicle inspection for free in all Shop & Drive outlets. With this service, it is expected to be able to help and make it easier for travelers to check their vehicles before going on a trip back and forth. The following are important components to check before making a trip back and forth:


  1. Electricity and Battery Water

Checking the battery power system aims to determine the battery voltage level. If the voltage level is weak, it can make it difficult for the car to be turned on or battery in the middle of a trip back and forth.

Dirty battery terminals must also be cleaned and re-tightened, because if the loose battery terminal in the future can cause the electrical system to not work properly. In addition, the cable in the battery is also a part that should not be forgotten in checking. Because if it is not installed properly, it will cause a short circuit so that it can cause the battery cable to melt and even cause a spark that results in burning the vehicle.

Battery water should also not be escaped from checking because if the battery is dry, it will damage other components in the vehicle and will certainly interfere with the trip back and forth. By replacing the new battery before going home, of course, it will ensure comfort and safety during the trip back and forth.


  1. Engine Oil, Transmission, Gardan

Engine oil, transmission, and axle also cannot be ignored in checking. By looking at its function that is very important in reducing friction between components, oil change is an important thing to do in an effort to prevent component damage, overheating, decreased engine quality, and wasteful use of fuel.


  1. Shock Absorber

Shock absorber is a component of a vehicle that functions to absorb shocks that arise when the vehicle passes through bumps or holes, especially on the streets that cannot be predicted on the trip back and forth. Therefore, checking the Shock Absorber must also be done so that the driver always feels comfortable and avoids danger.


  1. Air Filter

An important air filter to clean to prevent engine pulls is reduced, waste of fuel, engine noise is rough, and the engine does not work perfectly.


  1. Oil Filter and AC

In order for the engine's oil protection to work optimally and to make the engine well maintained, the oil filter that serves to filter the dirt on the oil must also not escape checking before making the trip back and forth. Not only that, AC filter are also required to be checked in order to filter out dirty air which can cause long-term illness for all passengers in the car.



  1. Wind pressure

Maintaining wind pressure can prevent the tire from breaking suddenly in the middle of a trip back and forth, capable of making better braking distances, creating driving stability at high speeds or bends, maintaining tire resistance better, and saving fuel.


  1. Brake fluid

Brakes are vital during driving, dirty brake fluid can reduce brake function, so routine checks for the quality of brake fluid are being used.


  1. Air radiator

The engine cooling system must also be maintained with sufficient radiator water to keep the radiator components from being short of water and causing the engine to overheat or heat up.


  1. Tire polish

Regularly polishing tires, will help clean the tires from stubborn dirt, making the tires look like new colors according to the original tire rubber, and of course can provide care so that the tire is maintained elasticity.


  1. Wiper Blade condition

Wiper requires routine checks, so that the driver's view when traveling back and forth is clear and not disturbed by all the dirt that sticks.


  1. Main Lights and Turn Signal

Finally, check the condition of the main lights and turn signal lights, whether the lights are still suitable for use or not. Also check the electrical system, especially cable connections and cable conditions, and the bulb.


Shop&Drive also continues to provide Battery Home Delivery services for vehicle battery replacement and Oil Home Delivery for vehicle oil changes anywhere and anytime and can be scheduled according to the customer's wishes. So if the customer does not have time to go to the Shop & Drive outlet to replace the battery and oil before going home, the two services can be utilized simply by contacting Call Shop & Drive 15-000-15, free of charge and replacement. Happy Mudik!